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Veda organizes event in Chitwan, aims at bringing educators across the district to spark a conversation around technology’s role in the future of education

Veda organizes event in Chitwan, aims at bringing educators across the district to spark a conversation around technology’s role in the future of education

Veda school management software successfully organized its event Reimagining Education: Technology’s Role in Addressing Education Challenges, sponsored by eSewa Pvt. Ltd. and WorldLink Communications Ltd. in Bharatpur on the 12 th of March, 2022.

The event was aimed at bringing educators across the district in one place to spark a conversation around technology’s role in the future of education. 250 educators from Chitwan attended this event which included teachers, principals, and administrators. This event was Veda’s first in Chitwan.

The event also saw Veda’s first physical expansion outside the Kathmandu Valley. Company CEO Nirdesh Dwa noted the inescapable reality of education depending on technology in the future. He also reinstated that Veda will continue to ensure that our country’s educational standards match those of countries like Finland.

He also pressed on the importance of technology and how schools and colleges should adopt digital means sooner than later. Furthermore, Dwa thanked all Veda users and also added, “This is a big step for us and for Veda. Chitwan is the first of many to witness our physical presence”.

Apart from physical expansion, Veda has also been expanding its reach internationally. It began supporting schools in Brunei and Bangladesh back in January. Developed by inGrails Pvt. Ltd. in 2016, Veda is a complete school management system that takes care of an educational institution’s entire needs digitally.