Apple launched the Apple Watch Series 6 Service Program for Blank Screen Issue after discovering that a tiny number of 40mm Apple Watch Series 6 displays may become permanently blank. The wearables in question were made between April 2021 and September 2021. Users who are experiencing this problem can verify their smartwatch's serial number on the official website.
If your smartwatch qualifies, an Apple Authorized Servicing Provider can provide you with free service (AASP). Separately, the Apple Watch Series 7 fast charging was claimed to be broken as part of the watchOS 8.5 update late last month. The Cupertino, California-based business launched the Apple Watch Series 6 Service Program for Blank Screen Issue after discovering a manufacturing fault with its Series 6 smartwatches. According to Apple, a tiny fraction of the 40mm Apple Watch Series 6's displays may be permanently blank.
The wearables that are impacted are from batches made between April and September 2021. Only qualifying smartwatches will receive the free service from the AASP, according to the tech giant. Repairs of qualifying wearables may be limited to the original nation or area of purchase, according to the business. By inputting the serial number on Apple's official website, users may see if their wristwatch is eligible for the Apple Watch Series 6 servicing program.
It was revealed that the watchOS 8.5 update, which was published in March for the Apple Watch, broke fast charging capability last month. Apple TV purchases and subscriptions may now be authorized straight from the user's wrist, thanks to the upgrade. Following the upgrade, users may use audio tips in Fitness+ with audible commentary of graphically depicted motions throughout exercises. However, users of the Apple Watch Series 7 have confirmed that watchOS 8.5 appears to break functionality for rapid charging.