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Samsung’s new TV remote uses radio waves from your router to stay charged!!!

Samsung’s new TV remote uses radio waves from your router to stay charged!!!

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is usually a time for firms to reaffirm their commitment to environmental concerns while showcasing their newest, more efficient goods and packaging. After launching a solar-powered Eco Remote for its 2021 TVs, Samsung has released a new version that has an intriguing trick.

This remote, like the previous Eco Remote, can be charged with solar energy, but Samsung has now incorporated RF harvesting capabilities, which allow it to maintain its charge by "absorbing routers' radio waves and converting them to electricity." Neat. This isn't seen in many electronics, mostly because it's mainly useful for low-power devices.

Remote controls, on the other hand, come under this group. Aside from the new RF harvesting option, the Eco Remote may be powered by both outdoor and indoor light, as well as USB-C (for the quickest results). This year, Samsung will release a white version of the remote, which the firm claims would better fit its "lifestyle" TVs like The Frame, Serif, and Sero. The goal here, like with the original remote, is to eliminate AAA batteries.

Switching to solar-powered remotes, according to Samsung, may save 99 million wasted batteries over the course of seven years. It's also looked into "harnessing the kinetic energy created when the remote is shook" and "using the vibrational energy created when the microphone picks up noises" as possible means of self-charging the internal battery. This time, though, it decided to include RF harvesting as another method of keeping the clicker operational whenever you need it.

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