According to reports, WhatsApp for iOS is testing the camera media bar functionality. For unclear reasons, the capability that allows users to rapidly view photographs and videos from their phones was purportedly disabled from the last beta release. The old scrollable camera media bar is being restored to the Meta-owned instant chat client.
The most recent version has purportedly been discovered on WhatsApp beta for iOS According to a source, the rollout is only available to select beta testers on iOS. However, the business has not stated when it plans to make the camera media bar available to users. According to WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo, the media bar functionality has been introduced to the current iOS beta version
The firm changed the in-app camera and deleted the scrollable camera media bar in the last WhatsApp beta for iOS release. However, in response to user concerns, WhatsApp has apparently reinstated the camera media tab. The new experience is now available only to iOS beta testers. WhatsApp releases new features and upgrades on a regular basis in order to deliver a better user experience.
Recently, the business began to roll out a new phone call experience for select beta testers on iOS. Similarly, according to a recent report, WhatsApp is testing the document preview capability for Android users.