As Moscow's invasion of neighboring Ukraine reached the streets of Kyiv, Facebook blocked Russian state media's ability to collect money on the social media site. "We are immediately barring Russian state media from placing advertisements or monetizing on our platform everywhere in the globe," Twitter's security policy Chief Nathaniel Gleicher said.
Facebook will "continue to apply labels to further Russian state media," he added. After refusing to comply with authorities' orders to cease deploying fact-checkers and content warning labels on its platforms, Facebook's parent company, Meta, warned early Friday that Russia will impose limits on its services.
Social media platforms have become one of the front lines in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, providing both inaccurate information and real-time monitoring of a rapidly evolving war that has marked Europe's largest geopolitical crisis in decades. In a statement, Meta's Nick Clegg stated, "Russian authorities instructed us to suspend the independent fact-checking and labeling of misinformation uploaded on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations yesterday."
"We said no." His comments came only hours after Russia's media regulator announced that Facebook will be restricted, accusing the US internet giant of censorship and breaching Russian residents' rights. Facebook also launched a function in Ukraine on Wednesday that allows users to lock their profiles for further protection.