A formal agreement has been reached between the Nepal Digital Payments Co. Ltd (NDPC) and NCHL for the first phase of the National Payment Switch NPS, which is being implemented by Nepal Clearing House Limited NCHL. The agreement was signed by Chief Executive Officer Shri Krishna Prasad Bhandari on behalf of NDPC and Chief Executive Officer Shri Nilesh Man Singh Pradhan on behalf of NCHL.
Following the agreement, NDPC will provide Namaste Pay to NCHL's National Payment Switch, a pair of first-time retail payment switches, in order to provide Nepal Pay QR and Internetwork QR, Direct Debit Request-to-Pay, and e-mandate devices in accordance with the Nepal QR standard. It will be implemented together if there are payment instruments such as interconnection and PSO settlement through bill and gateway for various payments.
As the primary infrastructure of the switch retail payment, banks, financial institutions, and non-banking institutions will be able to provide additional services to their customers through various real-time, non-real-time, and open PSOs. Similarly, the necessary work of the National Card Switch and Nepal Payment Card has been carried out in the second phase for card and card-related payments.