Siddhanta Thakuri, a banker, has been appointed as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Fonepay Service Limited, Nepal's top payment system. Bishwas Dhakal, Chairman of F1Soft Group, greeted the newly appointed Thakuri.
Thakuri, the newly appointed COO, has worked for Nabil Bank for over 18 years. He has worked in the field of cards and digital payments for decades. Likewise, he has worked in sales and marketing, operations, and risk management for more than eight years. His arrival is expected to make Fonepay service more convenient.
Established two years ago envisioning Digital Nepal, Fonepay currently has more than 570,000 merchants. More than 15 million mobile banking users of banks and financial institutions and payment service providers have been transacting through Fonepay.
Fonepay, which was founded two years ago with the goal of creating a Digital Nepal, now has over 570,000 merchants. Fonepay has been used by more than 15 million mobile banking users from banks, financial institutions, and payment service providers.
60 banks and financial institutions have joined the Fonepay network in the last two years. Fonepay is a certified entity certified by the world-renowned data security standards 'Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards' (PCIDSSv3.2.1).