Since the Kremlin started an invasion of Ukraine last month, Ukrainian websites have been under constant attack by Russian hackers, according to Kyiv's cyber monitoring organization. "Russian hackers persist on assaulting Ukrainian information resources constantly," Ukraine's State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection wrote on Twitter.
The president's, parliament's, cabinet's, ministry of defense, and ministry of internal affairs' websites were among those attacked by distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which work by sending a flood of traffic to targeted servers in an attempt to bring them down.
The sites, according to the agency, have so far weathered the storm. "We'll make it! On the front lines and in online! "It was stated. The Russian foreign ministry did not respond to requests for comment. Russia has previously denied involvement in cyberattacks, including those impacting US elections. DDoS assaults have also been launched against Russian websites.
Ukraine has asked its underground hacker community to assist in the protection of key infrastructure and cyber surveillance missions against Russian forces. On Friday, Russia's National Coordinating Center for Computer Incidents announced that Russian information resources had been subjected to "major computer attacks."