Apple's iPhone has been seen as a high-end product with a high price tag to match since its debut. Apple, on the other hand, is anticipated to focus on its cheapest smartphone on Tuesday. Unlike the $699 iPhone 13 and $1,099 iPhone 13 Pro Max, the iPhone SE is designed to please rather than to wow with cutting-edge capabilities like ultra-brilliant displays, room-sensing lasers, or macro photography.
When Apple announced the most recent iteration two years ago, Phil Schiller, Apple's former head of marketing, said in a press release, "The first iPhone SE was a hit with many customers who loved its unique combination of small size, high-end performance, and affordable price." Apple hasn't revealed much about the new iPhone SE, but its highlight feature is likely to be 5G wireless compatibility. Anyone who has been using a 5G phone for the previous couple of years may think this is old news.
However, it may encourage consumers who might otherwise be hesitant to purchase a phone that costs almost the same as a month's rent. "It's an iPhone for folks who don't need all the bells and whistles — they just need a phone," CCS Insight analyst Ben Wood said. Apple isn't anticipated to make just one product announcement on Tuesday. New iPads with revised looks, faster CPUs, and even wireless charging functionality are also reported to be on the way from Apple.
It's also likely to upgrade its Mac Mini, a $699 computer that's about the size of a coffee table book and is designed to be used with a separate screen, keyboard, and mouse. However, the iPhone SE, which is not only the cheapest iPhone, but also the last in the company's range to run on 5G connectivity, may still garner some of the most attention once the event is over.