The Ukrainian government has announced the creation of a non-fungible-token (NFT) collection to recount the tale of Russia's invasion of the country. The collection will be "like a museum of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict," according to Alex Boryakov, the country's deputy minister of digital development. In NFT format, we wish to inform the world." For the uninitiated, NFTs are any digital goods that are stored on a Blockchain distributed database, such as drawings, paintings, music, GIFs, and so on.
NFTs are immutable, which means they can't be changed or amended after they've been uploaded. Each NFT piece, according to Bornyakov, will depict a different tale from the battle. Every work of art would be accompanied with a credible news source. He told The Guardian, "We want it to be stylish and good-looking, and that takes time." Ukraine has already received over $88 million in cryptocurrency donations, according to Merkle Science, and the government presently has roughly $7 million in Ethereum in its wallet.
The Ukrainian government has requested financial assistance in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, and Polkadot, as well as Dogecoin, TRON, Solana, and NFTs. Boryakov noted in a tweet on March 11 that the crypto monies received are being utilized to purchase goggles, optics, helmets, and protective vests. With the bitcoin donations collected throughout the world, at least 5500 bulletproof launchers, 500 ballistic plates, 3,427 medications, 60 walkie talkies, 410,000 packed lunches, 3,125 thermal imagers, and 500 helmets have been purchased.
The NFT collection of the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) revealed earlier this week that it had contributed $1 million in Ethereum to Ukraine's official crypto wallet address. "It's been inspirational watching our community join together in support of Ukraine — approximately $1 million in ETH has been donated to Ukraine by wallets containing a BAYC ecosystem NFT," BAYC's Twitter handle wrote in a tweet.