Favourites and Following, two chronological news stream alternatives for Instagram users, were unveiled on Wednesday. Users will be able to read recent posts from accounts they follow on the platform in the order that they were posted using these feed choices. Users will be able to simply switch between the Favourites and Following feeds, as well as revert to the default Home feed, which displays rated and suggested content in a non-chronological manner, according to the site.
More information on what you'll see in the Favourites and Following feeds may be found ahead. Users who pick the Following feed on the Meta-owned service will see posts from accounts they follow on the platform. These will be presented in chronological order, with the most recent posts from friends at the top. The default Instagram 'Home' feed is meant to display users ranked posts in a non-chronological order, based on interactions with accounts, a user's activity, information about the post, and the person who submitted it.
Instagram users will now be able to see posts from certain accounts, such as their best friends or favorite artists, in a new Favourites stream. Users will be able to add up to 50 accounts they follow to their Favourites list, which may subsequently be edited. Users will not be alerted when you add or delete someone from your list, according to Instagram. While posts from these users will be presented in chronological order, Instagram has disclosed that when users return to the usual, non-chronological Home page, these profiles will be featured higher.
Alessandro Paluzzi, a feature tracker, first saw the Favourites and Following feeds in September, although the functionality was not yet available to users. On Wednesday, Gadgets 360 was able to confirm that the functionality was activated and functional on iOS. Instagram users may access the new Following and Favourites feeds by tapping Instagram in the top left corner of the app on the Home feed, then selecting either Following or Favourites.
When users first hit Favourites, they will be prompted to add accounts to a list by pressing the Add Favourites option. Users may return to the ranking feed at any moment by selecting Home at the top of the screen after touching on Following or Favourites. When Instagram first began in 2010, it presented a single stream of photographs in chronological order. According to the firm, as more users joined the site, it became increasingly difficult for users to view all of the postings from the individuals they followed.