A picture that has surfaced online has suggested the design of the iPhone 14 series. The picture purports to reveal the rear aesthetics of the iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max, and an unnamed new iPhone model. Like the iPhone 13 family, all new iPhone models look to have a camera hump on the rear.
The iPhone 14 Pro models, on the other hand, appear to feature a bigger hump than the iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max. A user on Weibo provided a photograph that appears to reveal the iPhone 14 models' aluminum molds. These might be designed expressly for use in third-party iPhone covers for the next-generation iPhone models.
One of the most notable changes in the iPhone 14 range shown by the picture is the absence of the 5.4-inch'mini' model.According to previous rumors, Apple is not going to release the iPhone 14 tiny as the successor to the iPhone 13 mini. As a result, the graphic depicts four new iPhone models, one of which is a 6.1-inch device that might debut as the iPhone 14 Max — the series' new, reasonably inexpensive iPhone.
Furthermore, the picture implies that the camera bulge on the upcoming models is larger than the one on last year's models - particularly on the alleged iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. Apple may be able to cram in a better camera arrangement by expanding the camera hump on the iPhone 14 Pro versions. Ming-Chi Kuo, a well-known Apple analyst who frequently forecasts next-generation iPhones, recently stated that the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max would include an enhanced 48-megapixel camera sensor.