WhatsApp now allows up to 32 people to join group phone conversations, marking another step forward in the company's plan to expand its WhatsApp Communities function. This is one of a slew of new features said to be coming to the social media messaging platform. The last time WhatsApp raised the group call membership limit was in 2020.
Other features said to be in the works or in beta testing include a new caption view when sending media and the ability to include more recipients within a chat thread, a redesigned location sticker, the ability to save disappearing messages, more emojis for message reactions, and advanced privacy settings. According to the App Store changelog and the FAQ page for Android and iPhone on the WhatsApp site, users will be able to add up to 32 people to audio calls in WhatsApp.
WhatsApp increased the number of people that may participate in group voice calls from four to eight in April 2020. Users must update to the current version of WhatsApp on their devices to utilize the new functionality, which is v22.8.80 on iPhone and v2.22.9.73 on Android. The group voice call interface upgrade, as shown in the story image above, includes a social audio layout, speaker highlight, and waveforms, according to the WhatsApp v22.8.80 for iPhone changelog on the App Store.
The changelog also includes new styles for voice message bubbles and data screens for contacts and groups, as well as minor tweaks like viewing your favorited material in the gallery. Last week, WhatsApp confirmed the future rise in the group voice call member limit when it announced the expansion of Groups - WhatsApp Communities.