The vivo X-series smartphones of the future are likely to be launched in the near future. The Vivo X70 is expected to have a camera with an f/1.15 aperture and 5-axis image stabilization. A Chinese tipster has revealed some information about the upcoming Vivo X70, including the camera and display. There is currently no official information about the Vivo X70 series.
The Vivo X60 series was no exception. Vivo has made camera technology a priority for its flagship X series offerings, and the Vivo X60 series was no exception. The primary rear cameras on the Vivo X60 Pro and Vivo X60 Pro+ have built-in Gimbal stabilization, allowing you to take very stable videos even while moving.It appears that the vanilla Vivo X70 will have some major camera improvements this time around.
The Vivo X70 will have five-axis image stabilization and an f/1.15 aperture, as per rumors.The Vivo X60 Pro, which is in the middle of the pack, has the series' largest aperture of f/1.48 (larger the aperture, greater the amount of light that can enter the lens). Now, the vanilla Vivo X70 is said to have an even larger aperture of f/1.15, which means it will let even more light in, allowing for more detail to be captured and better nighttime shots.
The Vivo X70 will have a full-HD+ display with a refresh rate of 120Hz, which isn't surprising given the Vivo X60 series' specifications. The Vivo X70 series will also include a single hole-punch cut-out for the selfie shooter, which will be located in the center.
As previously stated, Vivo has not released any details about the Vivo X70 series, and it is unclear how many models will be available. The new series could debut in the near future, according to the company.