Xiaomi revealed a new technology dubbed Loop LiquidCool on Friday, November 5 that it claims would assure effective cooling of smartphone CPUs. The heat dissipation system launched by the Chinese smartphone behemoth is said to segregate hot air and cooling liquid circulations, reducing heat concerns on mobile phones.
The Loop LiquidCool Technology is a novel twist on the traditional vapour chamber, inspired by cooling systems used in aerospace technology. The capillary action brings liquid cooling agents to the heat source, evaporates them, and then disperses the heat to a cooler location. In the second half of 2022, the business plans to include Loop LiquidCool Technology in its smartphones. Xiaomi published a blog article showcasing the new Loop LiquidCool Technology. According to the business, the new technology provides double the cooling capacity of traditional vapor chambers (VC) systems.
An annular heat pipe system including an evaporator, a condenser, a refill chamber, gas, and liquid pipes is included in Loop LiquidCool Technology. When the smartphone is under a lot of stress, the refrigerant in the evaporator turns to gas. The gas and airflow then diffuse to the condenser, where the gas condenses further to become liquid. These liquids are absorbed and gathered in the refill chamber by minuscule fibers, making it a self-sustaining system.
Xiaomi claims that the new technology works in the same way as VC liquid cooling. Despite this, traditional VC systems do not have distinct gas and liquid channels. The pump in Loop LiquidCool Technology has a particular gas pipe design that, according to the manufacturer, reduces air passage resistance by 30% and increases heat transfer capacity by 100%. One-way circulation is supposed to prevent heat from going backward and boost the heat dissipation performance of normal vapour chambers with a Tesla Valve microstructure.
Xiaomi also demonstrated the new approach by replacing the old vapour chamber with the new Loop LiquidCool Technology solution on a bespoke Xiaomi MIX 4. According to the business, heating did not surpass 47.7 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes of Genshin Impact running at 60 frames per second (fps) at maximum graphics settings, and the CPU was 8.6 degrees Celsius cooler than the normal edition.