OpenPastPaper is a pioneering startup working in the field of Artificial Intelligence and exam management solutions. It turns the grunt work of building exam papers into a job with a few clicks. Users can browse hundreds of questions based on their subjects and build custom papers in less than 30 seconds on average.
OpenPastPaper has a topical papers catalog (a collection of questions extracted from existing past papers using AI). It will allow students to study their chapters by targeting chapter-specific questions and prepare for their exams.
Teachers, on the other hand, will be able to utilize this time of online learning to teach their students by having access to thousands of questions on the go and also be able to create test papers with a few clicks. Project Team: Manish Gotame, Prasanna Karmacharya & Santosh Baral
To Vote Open Past Paper via eSewa and SMS platforms! Please follow the following steps: eSewa voting steps:
1. Download eSewa app from the play store. or app store.
2. Open eSewa app.
3. Click on the ICT Award tab and select a category then vote for your favorite team. SMS voting steps:
Category A(CA): Type ICT(space)CA(space) 304 and send to 33001
Public Choice(PC): Type ICT(space)PC(space) 30 and send to 33001