IBM said on Monday that it has developed a new quantum computing device that, according to the company's leaders, would allow quantum systems to outperform conventional computers in some tasks within the next two years. The "Eagle" computing device, according to IBM, features 127 "qubits," which can represent information in quantum form.
Qubits may be both a 1 and a 0 at the same time, unlike traditional computers, which use "bits" that must be either a 1 or a 0. This might make quantum computers far quicker than their classical equivalents in the future, but qubits are extremely difficult to create and require massive cryogenic freezers to function properly. While Apple's new M1 Max processor has 57 billion transistors (roughly equivalent to bits), IBM claims that their new Eagle chip has more than 100 qubits.
When paired with other developments in the quantum computer's cooling and control systems, IBM claims that new approaches learnt while manufacturing the device, which is built at its facilities in New York State, would eventually create additional qubits. In 2022, the business expects to release a "Osprey" chip with 433 qubits and a "Condor" chip with 1,121 qubits, according to the company. The business claims that at that moment, it will be close to achieving "quantum advantage," the point at which quantum computers will be able to outperform classical computers.
That does not imply quantum computers would surpass ordinary computers all at once, according to Daro Gil, a senior vice president at IBM and the leader of his research division. Instead, IBM sees a world in which certain components of a computer program operate on standard processors while others run on quantum chips, depending on which is ideal for each task. "We expect that we will be able to obtain a demonstration of quantum advantage - something that can have practical relevance - within the next few of years. That is our goal "Gil said.