Telegram has announced the debut of Sponsored Messages, a feature that allows anybody to advertise their channels and bots on the network. Sponsored Messages will be available in Telegram public channels with over a thousand users. It'll also be restricted to 160 characters. The functionality is currently under beta testing.
The program will split ad money with the admins of the channels where Sponsored Messages are shown after they are pushed out and allow it to pay basic infrastructure costs, according to Telegram. Telegram creator and CEO Pavel Durov announced the debut of Sponsored Messages in a blog post published on 19 th of November, 2021. Sponsored Messages will not display in your chat list, private conversations, or groups, he verified.
There will also be no advertisements in Telegram talks. According to the corporation, Sponsored Messages will appear based only on the topic of the public channels in which they are displayed. The Telegram CEO has stated that this new function would not jeopardize user privacy, stating that no user data will be collected or analyzed in order to display adverts.
"Ads will not be targeted based on user data. Our top concern, as with all we do, is to secure our users' personal information. As a result, unlike other applications, we will not utilize your personal information to provide adverts ", according to Durov. Every Telegram user that visits a certain channel gets the identical Sponsored Messages. The Sponsored Messages, as previously stated, can be viewed in public channels with over 1,000 users.