Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, said that the company's mobile app was returning to service after a server failure earlier this week prevented many owners from connecting to their vehicles. Musk was reacting to a tweet from a Tesla owner in Seoul, South Korea, who reported he was having trouble connecting his Model 3 to the iOS app due to a "500 server problem."
"It should be back up and running immediately. It appears that we may have enhanced the verbosity of network traffic by accident "Musk stated the following. Functionality should be a priority "Now I'll be back online. It appears that we may have boosted the verbosity of network traffic by mistake ", Musk wrote on Twitter. “Please accept my apologies; we will take steps to guarantee that this does not happen again," he stated.
However, drivers had already expressed their dissatisfaction online, with one tweeting, "I'm trapped an hour away from home because I generally use my phone to start my car." "THOUSANDS of @Tesla owners are locked out of their vehicles since Tesla servers went down over two hours ago," one user lamented. He said, " "One of them is me. They said that by owning an electric car, we'd be helping the environment, but 'walking' wasn't what I had in mind." The issue appeared to be widespread, with tweets appearing in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and Germany.
According to outage tracking website Downdetector, which tracks outages by aggregating status updates from a variety of sources, including user-submitted faults on its platform, roughly 500 users experienced an issue at around 4:40pm ET (3:10am IST on November 20). At 9:20 p.m. ET, there were slightly over 60 reports (7:50am IST on November 20). "Please accept our apologies; we will take steps to guarantee that this does not happen again," Musk stated. Electrek was the first to report the outage.