According to respected Apple analyst Ming Chi-Kuo of TF International Securities, Apple's next AR headset would have Mac-level CPU capability. He also predicts that Apple will ultimately replace the iPhone with an AR headset, and that this will happen in 10 years. These insights were made by Kuo in a fresh note to investors that was also viewed by 9to5Mac. According to 9to5Mac, Kuo expects the AR headset will be available in the fourth quarter of 2022 and will have "the same computational power level as the Mac."
According to the analyst, the AR headset will be able to work without the use of a Mac, PC, or iPhone, and it will enable a "complete variety of apps rather than specialized applications." He also claims that the AR headset would be equipped with two processors, one of which will be identical to the M1 for Macs and the other a lower-end CPU. This might offer Apple's augmented reality headset a competitive advantage. It'll also contain two Sony 4K micro OLED monitors and maybe compatibility for virtual reality.
What Kuo says about the AR headset operating without the iPhone contradicts previous claims from The Information, which suggested that the AR headset will initially be dependent on the MacBook Pro or iPhone. However, it would make sense for Apple to make the AR gadget standalone from other Apple goods, especially if it is to grow inside its own product line. According to Kuo, Apple's long-term aim is for AR to eventually replace the iPhone in ten years. According to the memo, he believes that positioning the "AR headset merely as an attachment for the Mac or iPhone would not be favorable to the product's growth."
The Apple AR headset is expected to be released in 2022, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, and other reports have suggested a similar launch date. In his email PowerOn, Gurman also said that the headgear will be expensive, beginning at $2000. It might also compete with Meta's (previously Facebook's) Project Cambria, a new set of high-end augmented reality spectacles. Apple's headset is likely to feature Mixed Reality, which involves more interaction between the virtual and real worlds. According to Gurman's claims, it will also contain "advanced semiconductors, displays, sensors, and avatar-based functions." The AR/VR headgear would also be able to play high-quality VR games.