WhatsApp's vanishing messages feature will get a new feature that allows users to designate communications in a chat to be automatically removed after a certain amount of time. WhatsApp users will now be able to switch on vanishing messages automatically for all new one-on-one talks, as stated by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook, so that all future communications will be immediately wiped from the service.
The Meta-owned messaging service also announced that users would have more options for how long a message will be kept before being removed. Users could only choose to have messages disappear after seven days when the service was introduced in November of last year. However, in the future, you will be able to delete them after just 24 hours or 90 days. The new feature was previously mentioned as being in the works.
Turning on vanishing messages by default will not disrupt current chats, according to WhatsApp. When you start a new one-on-one chat, you'll get a notification that the vanishing messages feature is enabled, along with a remark saying it's enabled by default (so your contacts don't believe it's personal). You may also disable the setting for individual conversations.
Although the new default setting has no effect on group conversations, WhatsApp has given a new option to enable the vanishing messages function when forming groups. The new capabilities are now available on all platforms, according to the business. WhatsApp's FAQ website has instructions on how to utilize them.