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Cyber-attack on ICRC: Sophisticated cyber-attack targets Red Cross Red Crescent data on 500,000 people

Cyber-attack on ICRC: Sophisticated cyber-attack targets Red Cross Red Crescent data on 500,000 people

This week, a sophisticated cyber security attack was identified against computer systems storing data maintained by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). More than 515,000 very vulnerable people, including those separated from their families due to conflict, migration, and disasters, missing persons and their families, and those in imprisonment, had their personal data and private information exposed. At least 60 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies throughout the world contributed data.

The ICRC's most important worry in the aftermath of this incident is the potential risks that this breach poses to people that the Red Cross and Red Crescent network aims to protect and help, as well as their families — including sensitive information being released publicly. When someone go missing, their families and friends experience a great deal of distress and worry. "An attack on the data of those who have gone missing exacerbates the agony and suffering of their families. We are all shocked and bewildered that such sensitive humanitarian data would be targeted and compromised "Director-General Robert Mardini of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)."

This cyber-attack puts vulnerable individuals at danger, including those who are already in need of humanitarian assistance." The ICRC has no initial indicators as to who was behind the cyber-attack, which targeted a third-party firm in Switzerland with whom the ICRC has a data-storage agreement. There is no evidence that the hacked data has been released or shared with the public. "While we don't know who carried out this act or why they did it," Mr Mardini added, "we do have this plea to make to them." "Your actions have the potential to bring even more sorrow and anguish to individuals who have already suffered greatly.

The people and families behind the knowledge you now possess are among the world's poorest. Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please This information should not be shared, sold, leaked, or used in any other way."Restoring Family Links is a program operated by the ICRC and the larger Red Cross and Red Crescent network to reunite family members separated by conflict, catastrophe, or migration. We were forced to shut down the mechanisms that support our Restoring Family Links work as a result of the attack, which has hampered the capacity of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement to reconcile separated family members.

We're working as swiftly as we can to find solutions so that we can keep doing this important job. "Every day, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement assists in the reunion of 12 persons who have gone missing with their families. Every day, that's a dozen happy family reunions. Cyber-attacks like this put that vital job in jeopardy "Mr. Mardini explained. "We are taking this security compromise very seriously. We're collaborating closely with our humanitarian partners throughout the world to determine the breadth of the incident and take the necessary steps to protect our data in the future."

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