The GeForce RTX 3050 desktop GPU, which is currently the most cheap in the GeForce RTX 30-series, has been revealed by Nvidia. The business also previewed the impending flagship GeForce RTX 3090 Ti and unveiled new high-performance GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and GeForce RTX 3070 Ti GPUs for gaming laptops. Additional new titles have been added to the GeForce Now cloud gaming platform, which will be available on more platforms, including 5G-enabled mobile devices. Manufacturers will unveil new displays and mouse that support Nvidia's Reflex ecosystem, as well as a new category of 1440p monitors with refresh rates up to 360Hz aimed for esports fans.
The timing of these announcements coincides with the start of the CES 2022 trade exhibition. Graphics cards based on the GeForce RTX 3050 will be available worldwide beginning January 27 for a starting price $249 in the USA . Nvidia will not release its own Founders Edition card, instead relying on custom designs from firms like Asus, Zotac, Gigabyte, MSI, Palit, and Inno3D. Actual street pricing are unknown at this time, however given the status of the retail GPU market, they are likely to be significantly inflated. The GeForce RTX 3050 GPU has the same Ampere architecture as its larger brothers, and it supports both RTX ray tracing and DLSS picture upscaling. It's meant to take the position of the GeForce RTX 1650, and it has 2560 CUDA cores that run at up to 1.78GHz. On a 128-bit bus, all cards will have 8GB of GDDR6 memory.
The "monster" GeForce RTX 3090 Ti desktop GPU, on the other hand, will have 40 teraflops of bandwidth, 78 teraflops for ray tracing, and up to 320 teraflops for AI operations. This GPU is anticipated to be popular among bitcoin miners, although cost and availability are unknown at this time. The GeForce RTX 3090 Ti graphics cards will have 24GB of GDDR6X RAM with a transmission rate of 21Gbps. More information will be released later this month. In terms of laptops, starting February 1, the new GeForce RTX 3080 Ti and GeForce RTX 3070 Ti will be available in laptops starting at $2,499 and $1,499, respectively. For creators, Nvidia has upgraded its Canvas program, which allows users to create AI-generated landscapes with new features like flowers and shrubs, as well as a 4X higher maximum resolution than previously.
Omniverse Machinima has been updated with new characters and locations, and Nvidia Omniverse, a 3D virtual world simulation platform, will now be available for free. The Day Before, Escape from Tarkov, and Rainbox Six: Extraction are among the ten new titles that will feature RTX ray tracing and/or DLSS upscaling. Nvidia has also announced a partnership with AT&T in the United States to enable GeForce Now game streaming via 5G on compatible devices, including smartphones, for users in the United States who have an unlimited data plan at no extra price.