iPhone supplier Foxconn after a brief pause, reopened its manufacturing plant close here on Wednesday, government sources said, as the firm opted to restart operations. The plant, which is located on the outskirts, reopened after a three-week closure due to worker protests over a large food poisoning event at an offsite dormitory facility.
Private buses were observed ferrying staff wearing face masks. "Today, over 200 new staff will be hired. The factory would first operate in two shifts before being ramped up, according to our sources "PTI quoted a government source as saying. Foxconn said that it had completed a number of remedial procedures and will begin progressively returning team members to the production.
Following worker objections, Apple placed the plant on 'probation,' and an assessment discovered poor living conditions in the employees' dorms and dining halls. More than 15,000 people labor in the facility, which manufactures Apple devices.